Wednesday, November 24, 2010

day twenty-four #aedm2010

One day, I may have a normal looking watercolor picture here. I have so much to do, I can't quite believe I am blogging this right now, but five minutes won't destroy everything, will it? I may look happy here, but paintings are deceiving. I need a butler monkey. Even if he couldn't bake, still, we would have a monkey.


HereWeGoAJen said...

This made me laugh soooo hard. If you get a butler monkey, I will get one too.

sarah said...

I misread it as "butter monkey" and was thinking, hmm, a monkey made of butter? a monkey who brings you butter? it took me three reads to see it as butler.

have fun with preparations. xo

Rachel said...

haha, butler monkey's would be quite handy! hope you are feeling better.